0.2 Jul 27, 2021
- 解决Factory窗口移动导致无法烧录问题
- 解决办法:Factory出现时移动窗口到默认位置(WinMove),再进行位置点击
- 隐患:位置点击使用绝对坐标,显示分辨率改变时可能失败
- 脚本常驻后台(While...WEnd),减少每次烧录前打开脚本的双击操作
- To be continued:相关错误捕捉和提醒
- 烧录成功提醒(不建议):
- 原因:烧录成功率>99%;烧录完能成功断电即表示烧录成功;有工人监控。
- 点击确定增加操作数;点击操作使EntronDemo失去激活状态(Not Active),需多点击一次使窗口激活才能继续脚本;窗口激活命令对EntronDemo不可用,无法自动激活。
- 已知错误为:相机无法连接、无法烧录(计划用超时判断解决)。错误捕捉(暂无法实现):
- 搬移:AutoHotKey代码更直观,对GUI操作更强大,打算同步开发
0.1 Jul 23, 2021
- 基本实现自动烧录功能
- 隐患:Factory界面Write ISP无法捕捉Button,采用绝对位置点击
Update Log
0.2 Jul 27, 2021
- Solve the problem of unwritable if the Factory WinFrom is moved
- Solution: Use WinMove to move the Factory to the normal location. Click the absolute coordinate.
- Warning: Absolute coordinate click may fail if the resolution is different.
- Keep the Script running in the background. Reduce the action of double click to activate the Script.
- To be continued: Failure capture and display
- Display "Finish writing" (Not recommended):
- Reason: Accuracy>99%; If the camera is turned power-down successfully, the writing process is also finished without failure; Workers are keeping eyes on the process.
- Add times which need to be clicked. WinMsg popping may deactivate the EntronDemo where the WinActive command is not working.
- Errors that already exist: Can't connect to the camera, can't write ISP(To be realized by using timeout). Errors capture(Unable to achieved)
- Shifting: AutoHotKey seems to behave better in GUI control, with more simply understandable coding language. I plan to program the Script using both AHK as well as AutoIT as the function is not sophisticated.
0.1 Jul 23, 2021
- Realize the function mostly.
- Warning: Unable to capture the button named "WriteISP". Use absolute coordinate click. Failure may occur if the resolution is changed.