Sensor (AR0820)
| 2024-8-13
字数 243阅读时长 1 分钟
TI954 Adapter Plate

Professional words

  • PLL: phase−locked loop (锁相环)
  • OTPM: OTP(One Time Programmable)MCU的一种存储器类型,意即一次性编程。多是采用融丝结构,编程过程是不可逆的破坏活动。
  • wafer & die & chip
    • Schematic diagrams
      notion image
      notion image
  • MSB(Most Significant Bit),最高有效位。
  • LSB(Least Significant Bit),最低有效位。


The bus is idle when both SCLK and SDATA are HIGH.

Start Condition

A start condition is defined as a HIGH−to−LOW transition on SDATA while SCLK is HIGH.

Stop Condition

A stop condition is defined as a LOW−to−HIGH transition on SDATA while SCLK is HIGH.

Slave Address/Data Direction Byte

Bits [7:1] of this byte represent the device slave address and bit [0] indicates the data transfer direction. A “0” in bit [0] indicates a WRITE, and a “1” indicates a READ.

Function Circuits

Slave Address/Data Direction Byte

notion image
notion image
A “0” in bit [0] indicates a WRITE, and a “1” indicates a READ. The default slave addresses used by the AR0820AT are 0x20 (write address) and 0x21 (read address) in accordance with the specification.


notion image
Asynchronous reset (active LOW) all settings are restored to factory default

Amazing method of pin connection

Power supply could be on other boards.